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Terms and Conditions
Wildlife Identification Course
A booking is confirmed once an application form and deposit payment have been received from you and confirmed in writing by us, together with the date the balance is payable. Payment can be made by bank transfer, directly into Speyside Wildlife’s bank account. Account number 00680327, sort code 80-05-40, the IBAN No. is GB34 BOFS 8005 4000 6803 27. The BIC No. is BOFSGB21340. Prior to the balance becoming due we shall reconfirm the course commencement. In the unlikely event that the course does not go ahead, the deposit will be returned to you in full.
If you need to cancel your booking your deposit payment is non-refundable, but can be transferred to the following year’s Wildlife ID course, or to a Masterclass taking place within 12 weeks of the date of you cancelling. No such transfers can be made once the balance due has been paid.
Names of the participating applicants, together with any medical conditions and dietary requirements that should be notified to us, must be entered on the application form together with an emergency contact. The application form also asks if there are any reasonable adjustents you would like us to make for you to be able to participate. We shall assess each request and endeavour to comply.
Speyside Wildlife will do everything possible to ensure that the course runs as described in the itinerary. In the unlikely event that this is not possible, we shall advise you at the earliest opportunity of any significant alterations. Any alterations so made will be of a similar quality to those described in the itinerary. No responsibility can be held by Speyside Wildlife if the course is altered or cancelled due to reasons beyond our control, under circumstances which could not be avoided and where alternative arrangements cannot be made. In the event of cancellation by us, all monies will be returned promptly to you in full.
Speyside Wildlife holds public liability insurance for the running of wildlife identification training courses. We cannot however be responsible for any loss or damage to personal items, or for personal accident or injury. Participants are therefore strongly recommended to take out personal insurance against cancellation charges and other loss or injury. We shall take responsibility should the course detailed in the itinerary not run as described. We shall also take responsibility for any acts or omissions by ourselves which result in any loss or injury to you. We cannot, however, take responsibility for any loss or injury resulting from any act or omission by persons over whom we have no control.
Your participation requires you to attend each study weekend, the final assessment day and produce the field notebook in accordance with instructions throughout the course. In addition, participation in the course is on the basis that Lantra, our accreditation body, can have access to a random sample of applications; field assessments and classroom assessments for a random sample of students for Lantra to continuously quality assure the delivery of the course.
A booking is confirmed once an application form and full payment have been received from you and confirmed in writing by us. Payment can be made by bank transfer, directly into Speyside Wildlife’s bank account. Account number 00680327, sort code 80-05-40, the IBAN No. is GB34 BOFS 8005 4000 6803 27. The BIC No. is BOFSGB21340. In the unlikely event that the Masterclass does not go ahead, the payment will be returned to you in full.
If you need to cancel your booking your payment is non-refundable, but can be transferred to a Masterclass taking place within 12 weeks of the date of you cancelling. No such transfers can be made within six weeks of the date of the Masterclass.
Names of the participating applicants, together with any medical conditions and dietary requirements that should be notified to us, must be entered on the application form together with an emergency contact. The application form also asks if there are any reasonable adjustents you would like us to make for you to be able to participate. We shall assess each request and endeavour to comply.
Speyside Wildlife will do everything possible to ensure that the Masterclass runs as described in the itinerary. In the unlikely event that this is not possible, we shall advise you at the earliest opportunity of any significant alterations. Any alterations so made will be of a similar quality to those described in the itinerary. No responsibility can be held by Speyside Wildlife if the course is altered or cancelled due to reasons beyond our control, under circumstances which could not be avoided and where alternative arrangements cannot be made. In the event of cancellation by us, all monies will be returned promptly to you in full.
Speyside Wildlife holds public liability insurance for the running of wildlife identification training courses. We cannot however be responsible for any loss or damage to personal items, or for personal accident or injury. Participants are therefore strongly recommended to take out personal insurance against cancellation charges and other loss or injury. We shall take responsibility should the course detailed in the itinerary not run as described. We shall also take responsibility for any acts or omissions by ourselves which result in any loss or injury to you. We cannot, however, take responsibility for any loss or injury resulting from any act or omission by persons over whom we have no control.
Our Terms and Conditions can also be downloaded as a PDF.